Roasted feta and veggies.
A solid weeknight dinner that comes together in around 30 mins. It's an easy preparation-- a sheet tray meal-- but really taking care with the cut of the veggies, the surface area, and the roasting time yields a tremendous result. Roasted feta is a revelation.
An update.
The anti-police protests and the activism in support of the Black Lives Matter movement may be diminishing in your spheres of influence, but we urge you not to become complacent. To achieve real change will take years of sustained energy and effort (see all past efforts that have withered on the vine…).
Learning as we go.
As you've probably noticed, the police murder of George Floyd and the subsequent national outcry to oppose white supremacy have really roused the activist in me. Since protests began we have been talking, and donating, and giving food, and talking more, and trying to figure out what our role is in this struggle. How can we be most helpful and have the most impact?
Farm Share Account Primer
This blog post is for farm share members specifically. It will probably be boring and meaningless for the rest of you, but feel free to read on if you’re curious :).
The new online store
Technology... the best and the worst of the modern age! Our customizable, completely flexible, online-based farm share program is the core of our business model. It's been very popular—we've had a waiting list since the first year. I love the easy access our online store gives our customers and the way it opens up our farm to our community.
We’re winning
It has been way too long since I've cracked open the blog... In fact, the last post is from mid-July. The farm was chaotic, stressful, and overwhelming—shocking, it was July!
Now, it's the end of October, and we're about to complete our third successful year as market farmers. SO much has happened! We've come a long, long way over the last three years and we've come a super long way even just since July.